
November 03, 2012

My Little Halloween Pirate

Abby loves watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Disney Jr. So, being Izzy, the good girl pirate was a natural fit for her for Halloween this year. We purchased her costume in August and gratefully she didn't change her mind!

She makes a great mean pirate face!

In keeping with tradition, Marcus was Jake the friendly-boy pirate!

Abby got to wear her costume three times this year- Fall festival, school, and Halloween night. She loves being Izzy and even slept with her necklace of pixie dust (used to fly) on Halloween night.

We went trick or treating with our little friends Eva and Lilia and their families. It was fun to see sweet little girls taking in the sights of Halloween. I do think Abby was the least scared of the little girls.

Here are a few examples of her spunk and bravery...

For the most part, the girls walked the neighborhood. Then, Abby sat down and didn't want to walk anymore. Little toot! So, we grabbed the wagon and did a few more houses.

 A wagon and a lollipop made for a happy girl!

After the girls tired out, Eva and her family went home and the rest of us sat in the driveway passing out candy, juggling, and eating way too much chips and dip!

Happy Halloween!

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