
November 27, 2012

Week in Reverse

Oh what a lazy blogger I have become... I used to blog each life event in a seperate well thought out post. Then, I would lump our weekend together. Now, you get a whole week. Sorry- life is fun and busy!

Friday we took advantage of Mom being at our house and painted Abby's room purple. She has been asking for a purple room for months and the delay was child care and me finding purple bedding I liked. Purple is not my color! I'll share more room details soon! Suffice it to say, she likes it!

Thursday we drove to my sister's house in New Braunfels for Thanksgiving lunch. It was pretty low stress since we bought the turkey, potlucked the sides and desserts and had made most everything on Wednesday. It is the way to go!

We took Christmas photos in nearby Gruene on Thursday afternoon. Last year's pics were so good that we did it again! Some of those new pics are on my new header and I'll share the rest this week. I love them!

On Monday we took advantage of the week off from school and met our friends Kaylinn and Kiersten at the bounce house. We girls ran and jumped for 3 hours, we ate Sonic for lunch and then Abby didn't nap. It was a fun day- ha!

It was made much better by my time holding Kiersten and Kaylinn's new baby brother, Keegan. Nothing like loving on a 4 week old to make you stop and savor. He is all that is good in the world.

We had a fun week off of school!

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