
January 21, 2013

Birthdays Galore

Saturday was Marcus' Mom's birthday! Happy Birthday Mimi! Marcus and Abby spend the day with her- delivering flowers, playing games, and having ice cream sundaes!

On Sunday after church, my Dad came over to celebrate his birthday! Happy Birthday Dad! We had a King's Cake with lunch and Abby found the lucky baby! 

We played games, sat outside, and watched a little football. It was a nice couple of hours!

Granpa and Jacque were good sports and got some Jake tattoos with Abby. They were Sharky and Bones :)

I am one lucky girl with the Dad I have. I know the father-daughter relationship is so important and Daddy issues stay with girls for a long time. My Dad has always been top notch- he is supportive, spent time with me growing up, and still provides great advice. I love you, Dad!

Today is Uncle Shaun's birthday! Happy Birthday Shaun- I hope you have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I am a fellow Texan that really loves to read your blogs! I just found your posts about IVF and realize we have way too much in common. We did 2 IVF's and then a FET to get out little Vivian. Your family is just as sweet as can be. Please check out our blog

    Laura Rypple
