
January 26, 2013

Lazy Thursday

Abby and I skipped swimming and meeting up with a friend on Thursday to be lazy at home. Abby has a recurring night time cough and we started her on Zyrtec (to go with Flonase) and she had a rough little night coughing all night long! So, we stayed in our pajamas most of the day!

We worked on our bowling game and check it out, the 4 year old in the house now holds the Wii bowling record. She does it all with no help from me. She had 5 strikes!

After rest time, we decided to put on clothes and go play at Chick-Fil-A. The place was empty which rarely happens. Abby showed me her stink face. This kid cracks me up!

I love simple days like this- it reminds me why I stay home in the first place!

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