
March 05, 2013

Event, Snot and A Job

How is that for a crazy title? That totally describes the madness of our week.

Part of my SAHM work is planning 4 events per year for the association I once worked full time for. The second largest of those events was this weekend. Although in town, I was in a hotel working 14 hour days on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I checked into the hotel with a sore throat and left with what felt like the flu. Chills, cough, runny nose (hotel's don't provide the softest Kleenex), and overall fatigue checked out with me. 

While running an event can provide stress and being sick can make that harder to manage, I had it pretty easy compared to Marcus this past week. He has been holding in a little secret- he was recently recruited by his biggest competitor to go to work for them. It is his dream job- working at an account he once had, working in sales, but with engineers and leading a team. Add to that a raise that provides for our family and it was a no-brainer. It felt like the place God was leading him to.

When Marcus gave notice on Friday, the unexpected happened. His company countered and while flattering  the decision suddenly became more difficult. For Marcus this weekend has been a "this is your life Marcus" speaking to six different people he has worked with and for. The decision was not easy for him. After fielding the phone calls from the current company and speaking with the new company a few more times, Marcus went for a run with a worship play list and a lot to pray about. I stayed home with Abby and prayed.

We then looked at each other and God had led us to the same conclusion- the new job. 

This might be the hardest decision we have ever made. Harder that making the decision to do IVF or buy our house. Watching my husband not sleep well for weeks and lose 5 pounds this week has been extra hard. But, I have to say, I have never respected him more. He has been a man of his word through this. He has been a professional and not spoken ill of anyone in the process. He has considered all parties and allowed them to have their say. In the end, I pray they gained respect for him, too.

So, Marcus started a new job on Monday. It is exciting and terrifying. It is a challenge and a reward. It is a blessing, but it hasn't been or will be easy. 


  1. Congratulations to Marcus and blessings to you all ! This is an awesome accomplishment and a great compliment. Call us when ya'll want to get together... we'll come up for a visit n chat !!

  2. I was praying for Marcus this past weekend, hoping your prayers would be answered...Good Luck on your new endeavor...hugs

  3. That is awesome...God has really sent you so many blessing lately! Lots of change means God is working and putting you guys in different places for you to spead His word to many others! God bless your family and all He has in store for you!
