
May 21, 2013

Orlando Trip

I was in Orlando for a contract job (helping manage an event) last week and part of this week. Another planner and I managed a registration desk from 7-6 daily and we had about 40 attendees in three different rooms. As you would imagine, there are busy times and then there are quiet stretches when they are learning for 3-4 hours. During one of those quiet stretches, I ran up to my room, changed into a sundress and read a magazine for 30 minutes at the pool. After not being outside the hotel for 2 days, it was nice!

Saturday night, my co-worker and I walked over to nearby Downtown Disney for dinner and to get souvenirs for our kids. We ate dinner at Fulton's Crab House where Marcus and I ate when we visited Downtown Disney on our honeymoon almost 14 years ago. 

The whole area was grown a lot since we were last there. The lego area was especially larger!

Since Disney now has more rights over Star Wars, there was a lot of attention to that movie. It also happened to be a big Star Wars weekend at the theme park. I sent Marcus these two pictures on my phone. He was a tad jealous!

I did come home with 4 fun gifts for Abby and two birthday surprises for Marcus. 

My souvenir came from the hotel gift shop.... bracelets made from recycled flip flops! They were inexpensive and I think clumped together, super cute for summer!

I had a great time in Florida. I hadn't flown in over 7 months and oddly enough, will be flying toward the opposite coast before the month is over! This time it is all for fun! Details and pictures will follow!

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