
June 28, 2013

VBS 2013

We have had a busy week- it is VBS week! I volunteered and Abby and Kyleigh attended VBS this week at our old church. We have so many friends there and it fit our summer schedule better than the new church, so we decided to do it! Kleigh got to do something for the bigger kids called FLYTE and she declared it better than VBS. I love that because it is hard to be appealing to tweens. They scare me!

We were at church at 8:30 every morning this week. How in the world did I do that daily? Wow- I am tired and really miss the hour long snuggles with breakfast and shows in bed. 

I was in the grade school crafts room. The kids most loved these snow cones and honestly, they are so cute but were such a pain to manage with 30 kids. But, they loved them, so we made it happen! We had about 200 1st-4th graders in crafts each day. Kids are exhausting. God love teachers!

The theme this year was Colossal Coaster World and it was amazing what the people at Great Hills did to make it come alive. The white blob in the middle is a spinning wheel with lights. 

The roller coaster behind the screens is a good 20' tall. It is made from PVC pipe, pool noodles and lights. Ah-mazing!

Abby learned about Jeezy as she likes to call him now (funny girl!) and was super excited to see Michael each day. He spent Tuesday after VBS swimming with us. These two are so sweet together- I love him!

I loved the week with old friends, sweet kids, and Jesus and am also happy to return to play dates and sleeping in next week!

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