
June 15, 2013

Week in Reverse

Abby and I had something fun every day this week and we loved it! She this was our only full week together until August so I packed it with summer fun! She has gymnastics camp, VBS, 4th of July, 3 weeks of gymnastics camp and then I am out of town and it is August!

Friday afternoon Granpa and Jacque came over to celebrate Father's Day. We went swimming in our neighborhood pool and played in Abby's room.

She was excited to show him the roly poly we had found in the flower bed. Abby loves roly polys and after keeping one in her room in a bowl with leaves and grass, we set him free on a leaf for a bed. Such a tender heart on this girl!

Thursday we had pizza poolside and swam with our friends Abbie and Lila. These girls make me laugh! Abbie is just like Abby- playing orderly games with set homemade rules. Meanwhile, Lilah was flipping into the pool, swimming until she couldn't stand and yelling, "Help I am drowning" repeatedly! On the other side of the pool, my cautious child has on a life vest, intertube and kick board. I eventually made Abby give up her life vest for her "drowning" friend!
We swam at Andrea's inlaws neighborhood pool. Gorgeous! 

On Wednesday, we took a tour of a local bakery (Blue Baker) and the kids learned about baking bread and made their own challah rolls. Abby was joined by her friends Megan and Addison. 

Funny story, the kids got to put their hands in flour and feel how soft it is. Abby then proceeded to put a handful of flour IN HER MOUTH before any of us could stop her. She freaked out and kept trying to talk, but only flour dust would come out. The sweet tour guide got Abby a glass of water and commented that was a first! I grabbed a paper towel so Abby could spit it out- it has made a paste when mixed with her saliva. She will never try flour again- I am certain!

Sweet girls sampling the chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, raisins and craisins for their challah rolls.

Abby put a little of each in her roll and then we made it into a heart shape.

Afterward, Carrie and Addison stayed for lunch. The girls were given warm chocolate chip cookies as part of the tour. It was such a fun morning and totally free! I highly recommend calling and scheduling a tour.

We ran by Old Navy before coming home. If this girl spots a hat, she wants to try it on. It makes me laugh- she does look great in hats!

On his way home from work, Marcus picked up Abby's bread creation. It was yummy!

On Tuesday, we saw Epic with Kiersten and Kaylinn. It was a cute movie of good vs. bad in the forest. The animation was impressive and I loved the slugs. They made the movie!

Total summer week!

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