
July 20, 2013

Field of Poppies

Last night I went to Painting with a Twist with three of my girlfriends. I had a gift certificate for 4 people, so we all got to paint without minimal financial risk :)

Natalie and I had fun with the painting props. She makes a good Willie :)

They give you a tabletop easel, a blank canvas and this plate of paint.

Everyone paints the same picture and the instructor walks you through it step by step. It really is simple as she breaks it down. The key for me, is being random and relaxing. It always looks better at the end than the middle and always looks better when you aren't inspecting it from 2 feet away!

First we did the sky blending blues and then adding clouds.

Next, we added the ground with greens and browns and made a horizon line of trees.

Next came the barn and the poppies. Amazing how many colors went into these flowers- red, orange, pink, dark purple and then a darker shade to look more black. White came later. 

Finally, we outlined our barn and added some white/yellow to the grass and the flowers. My barn looked awful, so I made it into a church. My friends teased me for that- "being a good Baptist girl". ha!

Everyone was nervous and certain they would fail, but we all did great!

Here is my finished product close up. It was fun and I like my art!

When you sign up at Painting with a Twist you are picking the picture you want and hoping the date it is offered works for you. I picked this picture with this little spot in my guest bedroom in mind. It works perfectly!

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