
August 12, 2013

Fun Week with Cohen

We picked up Cohen on Wednesday morning and kept him for a couple of days while my sister was in back-to-school training. First on our agenda, a tea party! Luckily the birthday girl had an older brother Cohen could hang out with!

Lilia turns 5 in a few weeks and her Mom threw the cutest backyard tea party. They girls ate fancy food on china, made a craft together, pinned the tail on the pony, and wacked a pinata.

On Wednesday afternoon we cooled off in the pool and for a while were the only people there!

On Thursday morning, we went swimming with friends and then went to the mall for lunch and to see Turbo. It was cute and the kids liked it.

Our dinner on Thursday night was a bust, so we loaded up and went to Mighty Fine for burgers. Abby and Cohen loved washing their hands there and sharing a chocolate milkshake!

Friday morning, we met Granpa and Jacque at Main Event and took advantage of their summer pass program. Cohen beat us all in bowling!

And then, Jacque beat Cohen in rock wall climbing!

Cohen went home with them on Friday afternoon. Our weekend was pretty low key and we don't have much this week which is nice. We have been jam packed every day!

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