
September 13, 2013

Week of September 9, 2013

I think I can manage to post once a week and just share our week. I am so focused on other things that the family blog is suffering. 

Monday Abby started back to school. She was super excited, especially after meeting the teacher. I think it reminded her all of the fun she has at school. She walked in like a champ on Monday and didn't even care to say goodbye! I picked her up and she was all smiles!

While she was at school, I had my first MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting at church. The theme this year is A Beautiful Mess and this was part of the decor. Those creative hospitality girls did a great job! I love the messy randomness of it!

Tuesday we went to gymnastics and Abby wore a ponytail. It is one of the first ponytails I have ever given her. She loved it because it was like her friend Addison wears. 

I spent time on Tuesday and Wednesday organizing her playroom thanks to the new Expedit from IKEA a friend gave us. Abby and I bought the colored baskets at Target and I spent naptime organizing. We were then able to gift some of her other organizers to little friends. 

Thursday was Bible school and Abby colored and sewed (using yarn) an ark together and then filled it with her animal crackers as a snack. The CBS kids team is so creative! When we arrived, they had made a water table an ark and the kids were spraying water in little bottles to make it rain for 40 days. 

I love learning the Bible and loving Jesus with this sweet girl every Thursday!

Today we have run errands including the grocery store and I finished up my fall decorating. Tonight, I have a few friends coming over for a Noonday Collection party. You can win a bracelet from the party or place an online order if you'd like, just click here

Have a great weekend!

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