
November 26, 2013

Happy Days

Here is a look at the past few days....

Saturday night, I had my hair colored back to natural. It hasn't been this dark in a long time, so I am working on what clothes look best, what lipstick to wear, etc. I think I like it. :)

The cold weather has brought out some of my favorite things.... chicken and dumplings!

There is no school this week, so we set up a couple of play dates. Monday morning we picked up our buddy Michael and went to the movies and lunch.

We saw Freebirds about turkeys going back in time to get turkey off the Thanksgiving menu. It was a cute movie and the kids liked it. 

Afterward, Abby let Michael pick where we had lunch and he chose Chick-fil-A. We ate, the kids played, and then we exchanged bingo for ice cream. Smart kids!

I have loved seeing all the fall colors this year. I think they are better than in the recent years... maybe all the rain? So many pretty fall trees!

We went to the grocery store on Friday and discovered our favorite holiday treat is back! Our family loves Christmas tree cakes and bought way too many boxes!

It was so cold one day this week, Abby spend the day in her jammies. At rest time, snuggled in her flannel Christmas sheets, in her princess nightgown, watching a Redbox movie, I texted this picture to Marcus. I am so thankful on a cold and wet day, Abby and I were warm at home and not at school and work. 

Underneath those Christmas sheets, are the cutest little bunny slippers you've ever seen!

Hope you are having a good week, too! We are ready for Thanksgiving!

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