
January 01, 2014

5th Birthday Fun!

Sunday was Abby's 5th birthday and even though her party isn't until this weekend, we wanted her actual birthday to be lots of fun! 

We woke her up at 7:30 with presents! She finally got the Sofia castle she has been wanting. She opened it and said, "yea! now I can take it off my Christmas list". Funny girl! She also got the Sofia family and her own amulet to wear.

We snapped a few more pictures before going to Dunkin Donuts for pre-church breakfast. We even took some extra munchkins to Abby's Sunday School class.

Nana met us for lunch and gave her another present- a cute little dress for her new doll from Christmas to wear!

We came home and rested and then it was time to pick up Michael and go to Gattitown for pizza and video games. The kids has lots of fun!

We are so very blessed to have this big five year old in our house and couldn't love her more!