
January 17, 2014

Year 5 Photos and Birthday Quiz

I was a lucky girl who won a gift certificate to Adorn Studios here in Austin to have a free photo session and CD of the images! It was a great prize on paper and a priceless blessing in reality! I never spend a ton of money on photos, but I am always so jealous of the beautiful pictures of my friends. Tiffany at Adorn did an amazing job of really capturing Abby- her personality, her many different faces, and her sweetness. I just love these!

Along with her photos, enjoy my interview of her on the night of her birthday. Her 4th birthday interview is here

What is your favorite color? RED (my influence, oops!)

What is your favorite toy? TEDDY BEAR

What is your favorite fruit? APPLE

What is your favorite TV show? TEEN TITANS GO

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? PIZZA (strange, we have this for lunch once every few months!)

What is your favorite outfit? BLACK VELVET DRESS (from Walmart with gold sequin belt, worn once!)

What is your favorite game? GYMNASTICS ON THE WII (Wii fit)

What is your favorite snack? CHEESE AND CRACKERS

What is your favorite animal? OKAPI

What is your favorite song? ROCK THAT BODY (Black Eyed Peas)

What is your favorite book? FROZEN

Who is your best friend? Ka'Lea

What is your favorite thing to do outside? SWING

What is your favorite drink? HORCHATA (she had this once, that night!)

What is your favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS 

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? PLEXI (blanket) AND STUFFED ANIMALS

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? CINNAMON POP TARTS

What do you want to be when you grow up? MAGIC FAIRY THAT MAKES WISHES COME TRUE

Happy Birthday pretty girl! We love you!

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