
February 16, 2014

Our Valentine Celebrations

We have been celebrating Valentine's Day for a good week around here! 

On a recent snow day, Abby and I made her Valentine's. I had some cute business card size photos made with Abby's five year pictures and tied those onto a handful of pixie sticks and baggies of gummy bears for Abby's school friends.

While I was doing that, she drew pictures for each of her friends.

I also had her write each of their names and she was GREAT at it! I was so proud of her for taking the time and not complaining! She was obviously bored being home another day and happy to have some art to do!

She did Micah's first.... "because I love him". Oh boy!

The Friday night before Valentine's Day we had date night with another couple at Jack Allen's Kitchen while Abby was at the YMCA playing. We exchanged little gifts that we had picked out for ourselves- I got a new bracelet and Marcus got a pair of bluetooth headphones. 

I joined Abby at her school party on Wednesday, just before Valentine's. They all made boxes from Kleenex boxes and here is Abby's. Super cute!

The kids exchanged simple Valentines and had an ice cream sundae party.

Abby's little Valentine survey made me laugh. I attended a talk on Monday morning about love languages for kids and I can't decide if hers is gifts or touch. Clearly, I am on the right track! :)

 On Friday afternoon, we met up with other Moms from our MOPS group and delivered Valentine cards to a local nursing home. It was a great opportunity to talk to Abby about serving others!

Finally, on Friday night we had heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's and we had cupcakes from Gigis. We loved them both!

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