
March 10, 2014

Tooth Fairy Came!

I took this picture on Wednesday knowing it would likely be the last one with a full mouth of baby teeth. It was an exciting time in our house learning all about teeth coming out, the tooth fairy (which she knows is me!), eating soft foods, and playing with it with our tongue.

Here you can see the bottom right tooth is loose and leaning toward the other middle tooth. She could push it forward about 1/2 way to flat with her tongue. But, being her first tooth she was really scared to let me help her or even tough it.

We tried really hard on Friday morning and were even late to school. Then, I picked her up on Friday and was given a baggie with her tooth in it. She played with it during rest time and it came out! Her first tooth lost at 5 years, 2 1/2 months.

Clearly the new tooth was coming in and pushing it out!

Abby was brave as could be and so excited to place it in her tooth fairy pillow. I bought it about a month ago when the dentist told me the two front bottom teeth were loose and she could see the next teeth coming!

After some disagreement between Marcus and I, I put $20 in her pillow. She knows that is special since it is her first tooth.  We also are spending part of Spring Break in Dallas and that is her spending money. I'd rather give it to her to manage ahead of time than give it to her at the gift shop.

Big girl! So proud of her and so glad I got some great 5 year close ups before the transitional mouth began! ha!

1 comment:

  1. What a brave little girl! I can only imagine how happy she was to see the gifts given to her by the tooth fairy. I think she is old enough to know that you are her tooth fairy, after all. Hahaha! Anyway, I do hope you will continue to maintain a sound oral health for her. Thanks for sharing another milestone! :D

    Byron Kennedy @ A+ Family Dentistry
