
August 26, 2014

The First Day of Kindergarten

We had a great first day which I kind of expected. All summer I've said my only nerves about kinder came from Abby's peanut allergy. She is so smart and makes friends easily that I knew she would be great. She was up before Marcus and I and excited to go. 

Her sweet dress was made by my sister and Mom earlier this summer. I had bought the handwriting fabric over a year ago in anticipation of this day. It did come quicker than I thought!

Her backpack was filled with a change of clothes, emergency snacks for parties that may have peanuts in their snacks, and a favorite toy for show and tell. She packed her Palace Pet Bippidy. We bought her the large backpack and matching lunchbox from Pottery Barn. I'm thinking she will grow into it. Ha!

We drove to school and parked at a friends home that faces the school (such a blessing!) and walked on in. Abby led the way. She has been there 4 times now and knew exactly where she was going. 

Abby and her teacher, Mrs. Churchill. I took the advice of my sister who works with kids and wrote down the traits of the teacher we felt like Abby needed and am pleased thus far. She is experienced which I really wanted since the added component of monitoring food and hand washing is present and I know Abby does best in a structured environment. She likes routine and I wanted a teacher who had her routine all figured out. I love that she just came from 2nd grade. Abby can read and loves to do math I'm hoping if boredom sets in her teacher can challenge her knowing the next grade levels. 

Look how confident she looks. All good to go! After dropping her off Marcus and I grabbed Starbucks and then he dropped me off where emails, laundry and quiet time awaited me. I got a lot done including watching my favorite DVR at lunch and rushed to get her just after 2:15. 

I picked her up this afternoon with a big smile and a wave. She was proud that she had made a friend, her clip stayed on green for good behavior, and that she had focused and eaten all of her lunch. She had a great attitude all evening and was awake until 8 pm for bedtime.