
January 09, 2015

Family Photos

This year I didn't hire a photographer for family photos, but instead asked our friend Kyle if we could tag along to his family photos and trade button pushing. He has a great camera and an even better eye, so I snapped his family and he snapped mine.

They got stuck in traffic, so I took a couple of Abby before they arrived. We were at the San Jose Hotel courtyard on South Congress. It was an early Saturday morning and there were guests sleeping, so we had to be extra quick and extra quiet!

Once we met up with our friends, we were able to get some great family photos. I knew the extra spot I wanted, so it was all done in just a few minutes. 

I loved the way they turned out, loved the cost, and loved that we had a fun morning with friends taking them. I will say I didn't love wearing a scarf for winter photos in 90 degrees. Phew- it was hot!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures! A professional could not have done better. I haven't thought about looking at the blog in a long time. I am so glad for the reminder so I could enjoy the wonderful pictures and details about the parties and the past year! It was such a joy to see!
