
February 25, 2007

Oscar Night, at home? What??

I love the Oscars. Okay, I love competition. Any competition- sports, beauty pageants and award shows. Add fashion to the competition and I am glued to the TV.

This is my first night in 4 years to watch the Oscars from home. Every year, the Texas Association of Convention and Visitor's Bureaus invite planners from Texas associations to an Oscar's party. It is a fun night of dress up, amazing food and competition :)

Since I am a corporate planner now, I wasn't invited to the party. So this year while the stars wear Oscar de la Renta and Valentino, I am sporting black cotton jogging pants and a Hanes t-shirt from a vacation 2 years ago. Wow, how times have changed.

Here is a look back at my previous Oscar adventures:

Last year, I attended the party with my good friend Heather.

In 2005, Marcus and I enjoyed the party together.

The year before, my cousin Kristi and I attended together.

Weekend Fun in Dallas

Marcus and I spend the weekend in Dallas visiting old friends and family.

Friday night we met up with Russell and Kenny in Frisco. Russell is one of our oldest and dearest friends. He was there at ASU in the University Center the night Marcus and I met. He was the student senate secretary and was such a wonderful person! We hadn't seen him since our wedding, 7 1/2 years ago.

Russell, it was so great to see you and see how happy you are! We love you!

After dinner Friday night, we drove into Dallas to see Jason and Courtney, two of the coolest people we know (Jason and Marcus are cousins). Jason plays guitar in a rock band and Courtney is a roller derby girl! They are so much fun!

We always love spending the weekend with them. Courtney and I shop and the boys play video games. It was a super windy weekend in Dallas, enough to break off some pretty sizeable branches in C & J front yard.

Thanks for having us!

February 18, 2007

Dinner, Take Two

We finally celebrated Valentine's Day Saturday night. It was so depressing to be in Las Vegas on Wednesday. We actually finished early that night, around 7:00 PM. My roommate Brandi and I went back to our room and ordered cheeseburgers and watched a movie. Only, our food took 2 hours and we fell asleep during the first 30 minutes of the movie. Not what we had planned!

So, Saturday night was our night to celebrate! We had decided to try out Fonda San Miguel, known in Austin for the best interior Mexican food and yummy drink. It is said to be a beautiful restaurant with fountains, art, and original saltillo tile. Everyone else in Austin knows this as well. The wait at 6:30 PM was 2 hours and we just couldn't stand that long, so we hopped in the car and left.

Our second choice was Houston's, a steakhouse nearby with big over-the-top salads. They had an hour wait, but we put our name on the list and walked around the nearby shops to kill time. When our name was finally called we were happy to sit at a nice table and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Our waiter so nicely agreed to take our picture. Here it is:

February 17, 2007

Back to Normal

Yesterday afternoon, Anna got back into twon from her stay in Vegas....she was a bit worse for wear for the 120+work week...mainly sore feet and the need for a 12 hour nap.

I didn't realize it at the time, but I was a bit worse for wear for the time too.....I kind of slipped into that rough and tumble way of life....and I didn' shave too much either....

but once we got back into our happy normal way....things became much more serene....andso did I...

Here's to having us back in the same state...and house!

February 14, 2007

Heart Day!

Today is Valentines Day...a day of love and squishy icky disgusting lovey stuff that make single people sick!

Well I wanted to post to my girlie that I love her and miss her bunches! Even though Vegas is kinda far from aint got to worry...

the nice meal, flowers and all that romantic stuff that husbands have to do on VTines will be here on Saturday...with interest accumulated! (that pretty much means more than just a dozen roses...)

Lots of love babe!

wait...single folks....don't be disgusted yet...



February 10, 2007

Las Vegas Baby!

I am in Las Vegas for the next seven days for Keller William's largest convetion, Family Reunion. It is a crazy 5 days with 10,000 agents.

The best part is the beautiful hotel we are staying at... THE Hotel at Mandalay Bay. It is a small private all suites hotel hidden within Mandalay Bay. Here is a picture of the lobby near the restaurant where we have breakfast albeit at 5:00 AM.

February 04, 2007

Peyton's Big Day, too!

We could only watch Peyton's big day on a big TV. So, we watched the Super Bowl from the biggest TV we know- Rob and Christi's TV. They have the most lovely media room with special lighting, a big comfy leather couch with recliners and built in cup holders, and even a special fridge just for cold beverages. Thanks you for always having us Rob and Christi!

Looks like a whole lot of other people had the same idea! Lots of friends from church and Rob's office joined in for the game.

From the couch, to the little green chairs, to the bean bags, and finally on the floor, everyone had a great view of the Colts victory. WAIT JUST ONE MINTUE... the COLTS victory. No, I wanted DA Bears to win DA Game!

No Bears win AND Griese didn't even make a little screen shot on TV? That makes me very very sad. You could have beat those silly little Colts, Brian! It is time for Rex Grossman to go. We Want Brian! We Want Brian!

Zee's Dedication

Our little friend Zee had a big day today- her parents publicly dedicated her back to the Lord. After a brief visit to our Sunday School class, we drove across town to Red River Church, where Bill and Kay worship to see Zee's dedication. It was wonderful to be among so many friends and family that love Zee and see everyone show their support for Bill and Kay's decision.

Marcus and I are so grateful to be in Zee's life and to see such a wonderful beginning for her. As their pastor said, giving a child a loving home that includes Jesus is the greatest gift that a parent can give. We agree!