
July 04, 2007

New Kitchen Backsplash

My friend Jessica is a do-it-yourselfer! I am not talking simple little projects, but major ones! When I decided to install the "tin" backsplash, I knew she was the girl to call.

We decided Jessica was more precise of a measurer than I. So, Jessica measured the tiles with her collection of big and small rulers.

And, I would do the cutting with my handy-dandy Home Depot approved shears.

After just 6 hours of work from start to finish, we created a masterpiece! I love the "tin" backsplash and think it works even better than I had expected.

Note the precision in covering the switchplates with matching "tin". A big thanks to Christi for joining us this morning after her workout to do the outlets for us.

Here is the other side of the kitchen.

In case anyone was wondering, this was a totally easy project done by three girls. Marcus spent the day on the golf course. It was his own special kind of measuring, slicing and trying again :)

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