
July 07, 2007

Two New Things

Meet Isaiah James.... his Mom and Dad are friends of ours and we took them dinner tonight. He was super sweet and te-ninny! April was excited that at 5 weeks he weighs over 10 pounds. Isaiah has a super cool nursery with monkeys eating bananas on the walls!

I got new glasses on Friday! My weird right eye has been infected off and on for over a month now. I went to the eye doctor on Friday and I have some sort of allergy to contact lenses. We are not sure how long term it is, so I decided if I have to wear glasses, that I need some new cool ones!

The "arms" of the glasses have a cool pattern. Plus, the inside of these are a cool aqua color. And, they came with a super cool lime green and pink case. It is always the details that sell me.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your glasses. I wear glasses full-time now... I gave up contacts after about 12 years. I get a new set of glasses each year, but always go for boring and predictable. I love how you seized the moment and got something completely out of the box! :)
