
August 12, 2007

My First 5K in a Long Time!

Marcus and I are training for the CASA 5K in September and did a practice run today at the gym.

My friend Elizabeth and I used to do 5K run/walks once a month back in 2001. It was a nice workout and fun to have bagels, run and be back in bed by 10:00 AM. Elizabeth changed jobs in late 2001 and we slowly stopped seeing each other and the 5Ks stopped soon after.

I have not run another 5K in ages, until today! I did my first treadmill 5K ever and the first 5K in at least 5 years. It was shin pain free which was nice. I'm not thrilled with my time; however, it was on par with my pace in 2001. I am older now and surely not thinner, so I'm not totally disappointed.
I hope to improve my time by 5 minutes on September 9th. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. time for a new post, what are you doing working or something???
