
August 25, 2007


Today was the big day for the iConnect class to kick off the 2007 football season...with a good ole fashion tailgate.
Schools were represented by Texas Tech, Baylor, UT, aTm, out of state North, and out of State south.
Like any good tailgate, there was BBQ hotdogs, football, and some challenges and award...
The TTU group took the dessert award with Brandi's Ice Cream Brownie dessert. the out of State south grabbed the punt and kick nods with Adam's BOOMING foot...and Chris Ott had the iron arm to give UT the passing award.
Chris E. and Mo in the North out of State showed to have the brains, by winning the trivia award....almost double to everyone else.
Mitch, again brought it home for the double T in the obstacle course, but in the end, the horns took the coveted 'spirited fan' for being the most spirited fans.
There was a kid's pinata, washers, water balloon fights, and in the end, everyone had a blast.
There was one more award that didn't get too much praise....the 'gotcha' award, going to the Texas Tech Red Raiders. with The Gumpls, and the Jenkins going to not one, but TWO houses and decorating houses.
We first got the Trejos with a good ole fashion red and black streamer job. They werent home, because they followed Natalie Gumpl home to figure out what she was doing....
Once they left, the Gumpls regrouped with us, and we grabbed Colby, our UT contribution. we snuck to Rob Hatley, and let go on Lucky, the Baylor Trailer. Of course, were clever. We did it up in Notre Dame, the colors of Mo's team to support.

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