
October 15, 2007

Big Bang Theory- MUST SEE TV!

I hate to see a good TV show go unwatched...

Marcus and I have VERY FEW common TV interests. We have never watched TV together because one of us was always miserable, that is until now. Last season we fell in love with "How I Met Your Mother" and this seasons the show that follows it is hilarious!

Meet Sheldon and Leonard of CBS' "Big Bang Theory." They are two dorky guys (read Marcus) who study physics, play World of Warcraft in online guilds and live a simple stress free life....

...until Penny, the hot chick (read Anna, just kidding!) moves in across the street. Both boys like her and try to impress her in the funniest of ways.

I highly recommend you watch- Mondays on CBS at 7:30 PM.

1 comment:

  1. We caught this show the other night too. It is so funny. Good one!!!
