
October 15, 2007

I've Been Tagged

My virtual funny friend Erica (she is a friend of my cousin and although we've only met once, we are blog friends) has tagged me. So, I am to share 7 fun/unique things about me and then tag 7 of my blogging friends.... here it goes!

1. I actually asked Marcus out first. He said no!

2. I was a stock show queen my freshman year of high school. Ropers, printed Rocky Mountain pants, tiara, sash and all!

3. If I was not an event planner, I would be an interior designer.

4. I am a bona fide hotel snob. It is part of the job!

5. When I am super stressed out I like to listen to nasty rap music. It distracts me!

6. When Marcus makes me laugh really hard, I sound like Lisa Simpson.

7. I have only beaten Marcus once at putt-putt golf. The scorecard was framed on the wall in our house forever.

Alright girls- you are now tagged!
Caroline, Debra, Stormi, Kristi, Meg, Judy, and Susan


  1. I asked my husband out on our first date! But, he said yes...

    Looks like it all worked out with you in the end! :)

  2. Thanks for the TAG - Stay Posted!
