
December 30, 2007

Another Christmas Celebration

Last night we celebrated Christmas at our house with my Dad, stepmom, her mother, and my sister's family. Marcus' Mom was planning to join us, but got sick and could not drive in from Abilene. We missed you Carol and hope you feel better soon!

There is nothing these kids love more than ripping open presents. I forced them to smile for a couple of pictures in front of the tree and it was torture for them to be so close to presents that they could not open.

Here is Kyleigh showing joy when opening new headbands. Her cute little bob cut looks even cuter with a thick headband.

Cohen is seen kissing his new teddy bear. I bought Kyleigh a bear like this before she was born. His name is Brownie and she still sleeps with him. Cohen had been trying to steal Brownie for himself. So, we found him a very similiar bear. We are awaiting his name...

Cohen sports his new Camo gear from Granpa and Jacque. He is ready to go huntin'.

A family photo of my Dad, Midge (my stepmom Jacque's Mother) and Jacque.

Shaun, Tiffany, Kyleigh and Cohen.

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