
December 30, 2007

What do you use Rubbing Alcohol for?

Marcus and I are planning to sell our house in 2008. In preparation for the sale, we decided to clean out some closets this weekend- starting with our linen closet where we found a 2/3 full bottle of rubbing alcohol that expired before we got married.

On one hand, I am grateful we have not needed to use the alcohol, but on the other hand I have to question why they sell such a large bottle when two active people haven't used but 1/3 of it in 10 years!

We welcome your suggestions- what are some uses for rubbing alcohol that we have not thought of?

Note, our hydorgen peroxide was also expired along with a whole lot of medicines. I truly consider this part a blessing. We were prepared for the flu, coughs, headaches, diarrhea, and all kinds of other things and luckily, they didn't happen!


  1. Hmmm... perhaps to clean adhesive from an item? Or, to sanitize a needle (for splinter removal).

    I don't think I'd ever be brave enough to use it on a scrap...

    However, I have not issue using Hydrogen Peroxide on a scrap - but, alas, we don't use ours either.

    As you said... thank God we've had no injuries that warrant anything more than a band-aid and triple antibiotic.

    (Which, by the way... once you have kids, triple antibiotic is a household staple!)

  2. getting the gook off my thing-a-ma-jigs is the only thing I can think of... Our hydrogen peroxide expired in Jan 07 and our rubbing alcohol in 03, did not know there was a shelf life on them!!
