
December 10, 2007

End of Season Party

Last night we attended the end of season party of our fantasy football team- iConnect to the End Zone.

Pictured are Win N End, Hornets #75, Rookies, Anna's Bad Boys, Vick's Puppy Daycare (complete with a Vick jersey) and Central Texas Chargers. Our league mascot Katie also joined in the picture.

We were missing Axions, The Golden Domers, and Annihilators.

Marcus and I were exhausted, so we just stayed for about an hour, but it was fun to meet some of the people we had been smack talking with all season.

Plus, Heather gave me a thank you gift- a super cool cake pan that makes a football stadium. I can't wait to ice it red and orange for Texas v. OU weekend next year. It is the perfect Anna combination- sports and sweets! Thank you Heather!

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