
December 13, 2007

Our Infertility Story

Marcus and I have a wonderful marriage, a blessed life and the most amazing jobs, friends and family. We spend most of our posts sharing these blessings and experiences with everyone. However, it has come time to share a disappointing part of our lives- our lack of children. While I have talked to many friends and family personally, I've never blogged about our baby challenges. But, it is becoming more real and we could use the love, support, and prayers of everyone, so we decided to blog about it.

Marcus and I have been trying to have a baby since March of 2004. It will be 4 years in just a few months. We have seen various doctors during the process and just this past fall met with a team of medical professionals at Texas Fertility Center. I am so grateful to their staff because for once Marcus and I talk about the joys of having a baby rather than the disappointment of not having a baby.

Last night we took the next step and attended an IVF educational seminar. There were at least 50 other couples who feel a lot of what we feel and that felt good. We also got a Biology 101 lesson and re-learned about oocyte, chromosomes, and embyros.

We have made the decision to do IVF early next year. It is an 8 week process from taking the first pill to taking the pregnancy test. It all goes well, we will be pregnant at the end of February.

I promise not to turn this into an infertility blog, so I'll only share the major steps as they happen. I hope one day the blog is filled with a fat little baby of our own. Until then, we plan to continue to enjoy each day just as we have and share all of those journeys with you!

Marcus and Anna


  1. Thank you for sharing. I will keep you and Marcus in my prayers.

  2. wow, you made me cry! I love you guys! I cannot wait to share this journey with you guys! God is use this to His glory!

  3. Bryan and I will keep you in our prayers over the next couple of months!!

  4. Thank you for sharing the updates in your lives! Extra prayers for you both!

  5. Thanks for sharing such a touching experience. I will continue praying for you and Marcus (and that Vietnamese Deity should remember you as well!)

  6. I am so glad this topic made your blog. The more prayers the better I say! Be excited for this new journey and know we are here along the way.


  7. I'm so glad you're blogging about this part of your life. We look forward to supporting you every step of the way. :)
