
December 31, 2007

Top 5 of 2007

#5- We had so much fun taking Kyleigh to her first amusement park- Fiesta Texas in August. We allowed her to pick one souvenir from the trip and she chose this tacky over-the-top Tweety bird necklace with big pink rhinestones. She loved it so much that she actually snuck it to school on picture day to make sure she was wearing it for her kindergarten pictures. My sister was not pleased to say the least.

#4- Attending the first-ever Big State Festival in October was a blast! It was great to see many of our favorite artists like Tim McGraw, Gary Allen and Kevin Fowler. We also enjoyed seeing Lynard Skynard and Willie Nelson. They are well past their performing prime, but it was nice to catch them before they retire (which really should be soon!)

#3- I really do love my new job! While I miss my KW girls a lot, I love what I do and the ability it gives me to live my life the way that feels best to me. I am so glad I made such good friends while working at KW and am glad we are keeping in touch via blogs, email, and an ocassional phone call.

#2- Finally, a vacation! It had been too long! Marcus and I loved our May trip to Chicago. Everyday held something new and exciting- shopping, museums, sports, fireworks, comedy, performing arts- you name it, we did it! We are still talking about our trip and when we will go back. Soon, I hope!

#1- 2007 was a great year, but nothing tops running in the White Rock Marathon for Baby Will. It was such an experience that I know I will always remember. It was physically exhausting and mentally exhilirating! I was so proud of our team for finishing the race and for making Will's life better.

2008 promises to be an even more exciting year. We hope the 2008 year end review includes a new baby, new house and a new truck for Marcus. I hope your 2008 holds more blessings that you can count!

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