
February 19, 2008

I Am A Lucky Girl....

I think I should start adding health to the list of things I am thankful for when I pray each night. Seeing your spouse in a hospital gown and in pain is the most heart-breaking feeling. Knowing that he is doing it all for you, is even more of a gut-wrenching feeling. I can't even imagine how parents feel when they see their child in the hospital.

Marcus and I snapped a picture before the big procedure! We recognize that besides our wedding day, today was prepped to be the biggest day of our lives. Marcus' surgery had the opportunity to close the door on us having a child biologically. We are blessed that although we were not given the news we wanted, we still have the opportunity to biologically produce a child together. The team of doctors ended up taking tissue from Marcus to analyze, freeze and hopefully extract high quality sperm that will be viable for IVF.

As the doctors have mentioned, it is a "sensitive" area, so frozen peas are the delicacy of the day. We stocked up on a few bags to rotate out. Marcus is now beyond the loopy stage and resting nicely in the bed with his DVR loaded up.

We are so grateful to have the prayers of our friends, family, co-workers and former co-workers today. We said our prayers before we got out of the car this afternoon and just asked the Lord to hold our hand and show us the way. He did that and so much more.

Our doctors are meeting tomorrow morning to discuss our case and we hope to start the IVF process at the end of the month with a pregnancy having the chance to occur in early April. Please pray that our frozen friends survive the next few weeks, that Marcus' nards stay numb and that we can move forward with IVF soon.

Marcus and Anna


  1. I am sure you did not mean to bring a laugh, but I am giggling at the nard part! Love you guys! I am praying for you and my future 3rd cousin??? XOXOXO proud of you Marcus!

  2. Only on the Jenks blog can you get bible versus and nards. :) Marcus still reigns as the King of all hubbys.
