
February 18, 2008


Normally a Marcus blog involves a youtube post, or something random, but I actually have a point this time...

Tomorrow afternoon, I will have a procedure that will determine the next step in our journey to expand our little family. This is....frankly...either the last step for me.....or a chance to enter into a long, drawn out process...that will tap us greatly on time and a resources. and I tell you what..I am so excited and ready that I can't wait to have that opportunity.

We are sometimes made to suffer and trial in order to have God show us what we really truly need and want...I believe that we have had that happen...pain....cost...time....all this is trivial now...I hope to bring it on.....and not let my portion of this journey end...

There is a verse in the Bible, Philippians 4:6, that states; "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." So I wonder the question...why do we pray? Do we just pray for endurance through God's way? But I have learned recently that we pray to petition to our Lord...for his will to be done through us in a way FOR us...when Rebekah and Zechariah gave birth to John the Baptist, it was because of their petition to the Lord. (Luke 1:13)

As Paul writes in this verse in Philippians, we are ok to ask of God what we need and desire.

So...I ask....everyone...please pray for us tomorrow, that the procedure is successful and we are able to continue our journey.

My dearest thanks,


  1. Marcus, OH MY GOODNESS! I am not mushy, gushy or any of those words but I am so proud of the man God has made you into. I stand in awe of your wisdom and humility. I will be praying. We should always ask for what we want...He knows the desires of our hearts.
    In His time all things will come together.

  2. I'll be praying and thinking of y'all today!

  3. You most definitely have our prayers!
    The Beach Zoo
