
March 19, 2008

Baby Movies

If you have ever met me or spent 10 minutes on our blog, you know that I am a busy girl. There is always omething going on- I like to have an agenda for my work, church and personal life. Sending Marcus a calendar request in Outlook is not unreasonable.

The thought of spending 2 days stuck in the house after my IVF procedure in a couple of weeks scares me- will I get bored? will I want company? will I go crazy and sneak a Target run?

Then, it hit me this morning, I am going to use the time to catch up on some movies. I never go to the theater, so I think 2 days of fun girly movies would be great. And, for good measure, I think movies focused around being pregnant or babies would be good. Get me in the right frame of mind. Send baby magic my direction. Scare me to death.

So, I know I want to see Knocked Up. Send me your suggestions- what other baby-centered movies should I watch while trying to harvest my own baby?


  1. Warning: You see a little too much at the end of this movie! Otherwise, it was pretty good! Watch "9 Months" w/ Hugh Grant and Julianna Moore ... i love that movie!

  2. I suggest:

    A must see is "Where the Heart Is"
    Another is "The Next Best Thing"
    And "Under the Tuscan Sun"
    If you want to giggle "Raising Arizona".
    And you must include "Dirty Dancing" - "Noone puts baby in a corner"! Her name is baby does that count? :)

  3. Three Men and a Baby and Three men and a Young lady are great too...Old but classy..
    And Father of the Bride 2...
    August Rush na ALvin & the Chipmunks Little Miss Sunshine..
    That ought to last awhile..Ck out way to watch lots of movies and free trial right now.. Mimi =^..^=

  4. Great, my mother and I have the same list!!!

  5. "Mr. Mom", "Father of the Bride 2"

  6. thought of another one- Enchanted, that looks cute, not a baby movie, but super girlie! thinking pink!
