
March 20, 2008

It Isn't All Sunshine and Puppies!

IVF has ups and downs and today was down.... this is the painful bruise or burst blood vessel that occurred on the site of my injection. I added Gonal-F to my daily injection routine and this is what it did to me!

I called the doctor and they said "some people are more sensitive". I was prepared to be cranky or weepy all the time, but not covered in bruises. I will be doing Gonal-F for at least 10 days! Tonight, the injection did not hurt nearly as much and did not bleed. I hope that is a good sign and I don't get a matching blue spot for the left side.

With this drug, there is a high chance of cysts, so I will seeing the doctor and giving blood every 3 days until the retrieval date which is looking like March 31st. This month! Wow!

On a side note, we closed on our old and new house today! Yea! We'll be unblogable for a couple of days but will return with great pics of the new house.

1 comment:

  1. What the heck is this comment post? Spam on a blog? How much free time do you have?!
