
March 14, 2008

When the wife's away....

So...yet again, Anna is out again for a's no worries..we are about done with the house stuff, and let's just say that packing becomes a little faster when its just me ;)

But, in the mighty game of World of Warcraft, I am trying to get a fast flying mount. this costs 5K gold. I have, as of today....4250 gold. With Friday and Saturday wife free....I think I can get there.

I just need time to gold farm...or hire one of these guys.
No was recently reported that in game commerce (buying in game gold on ebay, ebay of avatars or toons) is about half a billion a year, and is a major influence to the Chinese economy. You see...these guys are paid about $10 a day to play WOW for 14 hours, and farm gold. And no, that would not be my dream job. can you imagine having a quota for producing in game gold?


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