
March 10, 2008

You Want Me to Put That WHERE?

On Wednesday, my package from Freedom Drug arrived. They are an infertility pharmacy in the Northeast that my doctor recommends. It came in a big box and was filled with needles, big scary pills, oils, liquids and even a little red hazardous materials bin for all of my used needles.

So, this morning I had a doctor's appointment and was given a clean bill of health to start the next phase of IVF- the injections. Marcus and I spent an hour in injection training with Amanda. As you can see from the picture, Marcus was much more freaked out. He will have to do my progesterone injections which come in early April. The needle for that one is large, long enough to go into the muscle and has to be done in an area I can't reach so well. Amanda told us it will feel like a tetneus shot- burn a little. You also have to alternate sides for that injection because it can create knots. They recommend going for a walk each night and using the muscles after your shots. Fun!

There is no need for progesterone just yet, I started with Lupron tonight. The goal of Lupron is to prevent ovulation. So, I will be on it for another 10 or more days. It was a little needle that goes in the fatty part of your belly. It was no problem- I got extra padding right where I need it! They say this one will make you moody and give you hot flashes. Nice!

We are so excited to be at this stage. I have waited so long to get the go ahead and start injections. Today felt good, needles and all!

On a side note, we received great news from our insurance company today about coverage. We will likely hit our annual maximum this month and everything after that is free. For us, that means having a baby could be free or trying this again if it does not work this time will be free. We love Avnet and their insurance, Cigna! Thank you to everyone who prayed financial blessings on us.


  1. CONGRATS! We are so excited for you!! Keep us updated!!

  2. I almost can't look at the needle pictures...I'm getting woozy. I'm so impressed with both of you! : )
    Prayers continue for you both!

  3. That is great news about the insurance! What a blessing!

  4. Woohoo! So glad to hear all is going so well so far!! CONGRATS!

  5. This is great news! Keep us posted on those mood swings :)

    Prayers headed your way.

