
April 16, 2008

Baby Update

Monday night by doctor called me personally to congratulate me. Amazing- I just adore him. How nice that he calls and congratulates his patients. I, in turn, congratulated him. I am happy to help the TFC statistics on IVF.

He is having me continue on progesterone shots. My number is good, but we want to keep it that way, so I'll keep on with nightly shots until he recommends otherwise.

I stopped by their office yesterday to get a stack of lab slips and gave blood this morning. We'll know later today how my HCG is doing (we hope is doubled since Monday) and if my progesterone is picking up and shots can be tapered off.

The next appointment with them should be my ultrasound in about 3 weeks. At that time the baby/babies will have a heartbeat and we'll know if it is one or two. I added a poll on the blog so that everyone can vote. Let's see what the people think we are having. Some things to help you in your voting:
  • My HCG was 423 at 14 days. I have seen online where that is within range for 1 baby and where that is extra high.
  • I have been upset at my stomach for 2 weeks now. It could be nerves, progesterone or the pregnancy. It is not just in the morning. Higher HCG levels often lead to greater sickness.
  • Twins do run in my family on my generational line; however, one could say that IVF would be the cause and not family history.
  • I read somewhere that 35% of IVF patients have twins. Some of that can be caused by the brave brave women that implant more than 2 embryos.
  • I dreamed about twins last night and could see the sonogram picture with 2 white embryos.
  • Mitch, Andrea, and Brandy have openly admitted to me that they are secretly praying for twins. There could be more of you!

Have fun voting!


  1. I know you are nervous about the twin thing, but it would be so exciting too~ Look at my brothers and how close they still are. God will never give you more than you can handle!! Either way it is going to be super exciting!!

  2. Definitely start watching Jon & Kate Plus 8 on TLC if you don't already. I know you're already a super organized person, but this lady is g-o-o-d and I'm sure could provide you with some pointers should you end up with multiples!!!

  3. I agree with K! God will only give you what you can handle and also give you the esires of your heart!

  4. I had a high HCG level too and thank God Hannah was not a twin. But if she had been they would have been a joy...most of the time. :)
