
April 16, 2008

Numbers Look Good!

My HCG is now 992 which is right on track for doubling in 48 hours. That means the poppy seed sized baby is growing at a normal pace. It is also a good number to indicate one poppy seed!

My progesterone is also good and we get to back off on the injections. We'll still do everynight, but it will 1/2 as much starting on Saturday. I also don't have to give blood again until next Wednesday when they will check all of the numbers again. Yea!


  1. yippee! (I think I say that alot!)

  2. so are you totally freaked out about being prego?

  3. whoohoo!

    Okay, now you need to come up with a clever button/image when you post about baby talk. Get those creative juices flowin' mama!

  4. Wow!!!! This just keeps getting better and better evryday!

  5. I'm still thinking there's just one lucky kid in there. HCG Numbers look great!
