
April 14, 2008

The Big Day

Today is the big day as we hope our lives go from dreaming about being pregnant to actually witnessing the miracles that come from being pregnant.

When Marcus and I were talking with our Sunday school teacher last night, he asked if we are prepared for what may come today, the news that it did not work. We have talked about this so much that I want everyone to know that I am ready for the news either way.

Throughtout this 4 year journey that really kicked into high gear 6 months ago I have watched God do amazing things in our life. Here are a few:
  • I have learned to pray with passion.
  • I have seen Him alter our finances, jobs, and insurance with the most heaven sent timing.
  • I have learned that God has a plan for my life and it will be bigger and grander than the plans I have for myself.
  • I have been able to share my faith with so many people.
  • I have reached out to other women struggling with infertility and hopefully given as much as I have received.
  • I have learned to swallow pills and inject myself with needles. It is not nearly as bad as the internet made it out to be.
  • I have grown closer to my husband when most couples (like 70%) divorce because of infertility.
  • I have been able to take the time to discuss parenting with my husband before the stress of a child arrives.

I hope with all my heart that I have exciting news to share later today, but I also know that if the answer is "no, not this time" that it means that God is still working through Marcus and I and he isn't ready yet. He knows that we are strong enough to handle it and we will continue to praise Him in this storm! We became Christians 6 months before we started trying to have a baby and I can't imagine going through this without God holding our hand.

Until next time....



  1. This will probably be the easiest test you ever take ... We will be thinking/praying for you all day!! I am so excited to hear your results!! :)

  2. Still praying fervently, and hoping to know that the answer is yes!

  3. awesome blog. just simply awesome.

  4. I am on pins and needles. Praying till there are tears in my eyes.


  5. you are in my thoughts and prayers today as you have been for the past 6 months!

  6. You are such an inspiration! Can't wait to hear all about it! Much love, Erica

  7. I think perhaps you and Marcus are the only ones ready enogh for "No, not this time"..
    Waiting anxiously for the good report,...LUB YA>>> MiMi
