
April 14, 2008

Still Waiting...

I am quite sure today will be a record hits day for the blog. I appreciate all of the phone calls and emails. Here is how today works....

I gave blood at 7:45 AM. The blood is sent to the lab by 9:00 AM and called into my physician this afternoon. They will then call me. Normally, they call after 3:00 PM.

I have fought the temptation and not done a urine pregnancy test at home. It can be wrong- not enough HCG in my system yet or false HCG levels from my medicines. We din't want to get our hopes up or down with a test we can't trust.

HCG is the pregnancy detector as it is released from a placenta inside the woman. The number today for a positive result is 5-100. If healthy, the number will double regularly. HCG is what usually causes morning sickness. It stops it's doubling after 14 weeks when sickness often subsides. If the number is high, it will give us an indiciation if we have 2 placentas working, aka twins!

I will also be given my progesterone levels over the phone. Based upon that number, we will know if the shots will continue or if last night was the last shot. Marcus is praying the shots are over!

Thank you all for your continued prayers, heartfelt emails and phone calls. I promise to do a mass email and posting as soon as we know.

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