
April 17, 2008


Last night I was reading about the food I should be eating to support baby-making and was a bit overwhelmed. I have bad eating habits, I recognize this. I want to be healthy for my embryo. I am a picky eater. All of this together was overwhelming.

The book gave examples of the various food groups that I should get a set number of servings from. I was amazed the edamame appeared in almost every good food group. We happened to have had it for dinner last night and I got it to go with my lunch at Pei Wei today. I had no idea those little beans pack so much goodness.

After dining on my edamame, I cracked open my fortune cookie and could not believe my eyes:

Side 1- A dream you have will come true.

Side 2- Taught me the chinese (I am assuming) way to say children.

Wow! Thank you Pei Wei to go man for picking the perfect fortune for me.

My Fire Bowl fortune last week when dining with my friend Jessica said that something I have been waiting for a long time will be mine soon. The world according to fortune cookies is ringing true for me.

1 comment:

  1. I want you to start walking too~ It will help you soooo much in the end.
