
May 02, 2008

dinner and a movie

Tonight was a dinner and a movie date night...Anna got to pick the dinner...I got the pick the movie....
Dinner was from her favorite take it and bake it pizza place, Buddy and Al's. You have to have Bosco sticks with the pizza of course....

The movie was my pick.....the opening night for Iron Man.
Not a bad flick, by either or our assessment. Anna's two cents were that Gweneth Paltrow looked good as a redhead, and Robert Downey looked better than she remembered. From the credits, he didn't even have is own personnal make up artist either.

There is becoming a trend i nmovies to make the movie more about the character development, and the detailed progression to their superhero-ness. I.e, Batman "Dark Knight" Spiderman. Not quite the glossed over whizz bang of the older flicks. But you still get the cool fights at the end of the flick.
At least, that is my two cents.


  1. you have to try sacconne's pizza there at 183 near Block house Creek, so awesome!

  2. Bryan and I watched "Iron Man" last night also! We loved it!! I only went because Bryan was going with the boys ranch kids ... It was better than I expected!! :)
