
May 02, 2008

Stupid German Carmakers

My car has a bunch of safety features that I wish I did not have. One of them bit me in the butt today at lunch. I ran into Garden Ridge on my lunch hour for a picture frame and when I got back to my car I dropped my purse and keys in the front seat and then unloaded the large frame into the back seat. I shut the door and went to return my cart when I heard it, the nice sound of my car honking to confirm it was locekd. You see, if my car is unlocked and you don't start the car within so many seconds and all doors are shut, it locks itself. I assume it is to assist me if I ever forget to lock my car. Today, it failed me as I locked my keys, cell phone, purse, sunglasses and my drink in my car. I had to go back inside, call Marcus and have him call a locksmith and my office. My spare key is MIA- I lost my keys back in January at Walmart.
I waited for him outside in the sun for 25 minutes. Then, he tells me that VW and Lexus have the tightest door seals and has the resort to the 3rd method of getting the lock open which scratched my window tint. Nice!
$39.95 and a sunburn later I am back in my car and back at work.
One good thing to know, if you lock your keys in your car and there is a child inside, they will pop the lock for free.


  1. I do believe there is a conspiracy to drive Americans who drive foreign cars...CRAZY....LOL ;o)

  2. Thank God It's Friday ... You should be able to recover from this setback!

  3. do you have that "I have been standing outside in the sun" smell going on too? I hate that funky smell of children who have been outside in the heat! Good to know he will do it free with children, does it do it faster?
