
May 22, 2008

Iron is not my friend!

Tuesday when I was at the doctor I had mentioned to Dr. Vaughn that I found that I was feeling the worst at night when trying to go to bed and it happened to be the few hours after I take my pre-natal vitamin. He told me to stop taking it that the iron can make many people sick.
He instead suggested I take a folic acid supplement until after the first trimester and then start taking the PN vitamin again. It has made a world of difference. I was able to sleep well last night and Tuesday night. Thank you Dr. Vaughn!

1 comment:

  1. Anna - I found that I couldn't handle the prescription prenatal vitamins or any of the over-the-counter ones that had any sort of coating on them. They made me sick to my stomach after taking them. I finally found an over-the-counter one that comes in a gelcap and you take 2 in the morning, and 2 at night. I still take them -- they're good stuff. Let me know if you want more info! SO glad you're feeling better! Meg
