
May 22, 2008

We Heart David Cook!

Lasy night was the 4th annual AI watch party at the Mason's house. We love getting together on the night of the finale to make predictions, recap our favorites of the season, and make fun of the show. Last night provided us with some real treats.

Did anyone else catch David Hernandez singing the word naked? Or catch him dancing all up on Kristy Lee Cook?

How about Paula's dress? Every time they cut to her they cut away quickly? I think it has something to do with her "girls" being loose.

The funniest moment of the night for us is due to Time Warner Cable. The Mason's DVR'd the show so that we could eat dinner, FF through commercials, rewind the funny parts, etc.

Finally, the big moment arrives and Ryan Seafoam says, "and the winner of American Idol 2008" and that is when it happened my friends. The DVR message of death appeared.... END OF RECORDING, WOULD YOU LIKE TO DELETE!

Luckily, as AI finale pros we knew that the show would run long and had recorded Fox 7 news. So, we quickly switched over. The three words we missed were "is David Cook." Can you believe it!

Judging from the audience and the parents in the crowd, we quickly realized our man DC had surprised everyone and won the show! It looks like the cougars outvoted the teenagers this year!

Thanks Heather and Jay for hosting us for the yummy nachos and refreshing pie. Until next year... "you are my brother, my best friend forever" :)


  1. That picture is me riveted by the performance from Jordin Sparks. I <3 her.


  2. I can honestly say that I have never EVER watched a single episode of American Idol. Never.
