
July 31, 2008

Happy 9th Anniversary!

Today is Marcus and my 9th wedding anniversary. We celebrated last night in Denver at Lime, a cool urban restaurant I had visited last April on business. It was just as yummy this time around and it was fun to experience it with Marcus.

We took our annual picture showing how many years for the wall. For those of you that have not been to our house, we have taken a picture every year holding up the fingers that relate to the wedding anniversary and have them all framed in our hallway. I am happy to fill the empty hole that has been awaiting this picture.

I know we both feel very very blessed to have each other. Since both of us have divorced parents, we take our marriage very seriously and celebrate each year as a major accomplishment. We recognize that not everyone has a happy or lasting marriage and do not take ours for granted. I would not trade it for all the shoes and handbags in the world!

Marcus boarded a plane this morning for home and I am in Denver for work until August 10th. It will be a long 10 days! I plan to work, eat, sleep and watch lots of Nancy Grace, a show I seem to always get hooked on when in a hotel room. Marcus will no doubt be a Guitar Hero professional by the time I make it back to Austin.

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