
July 31, 2008

Vacation Day Three: Garden of the Gods and Denver

Wednesday was our last official vacation day. We kicked off the morning visiting Garden of the Gods. It was an amazing spectacle of mother nature's finest work.

These work formations and many stories high and were formed by plate tectonics millions of years ago. We watched a short video to see how they were formed and then drove through the park to see them up close. Many people were hiking, biking, and jogging through the park. Marcus and I were still out of breath from the walk to the car- the elevation is killing us. I also can't breathe through my nose due to some random cold or allergies and am having extra difficulty. The view from the car was still amazing!

After Garden of the Gods, we drove 45 minutes north to Denver. We had booked a room to stay in Denver on Wednesday night since Marcus had an early flight out Thursday morning.

Of course, no trip to Colorado is complete without a stop in the Broncos team store. This time, instead of buying new stuff for Marcus or I, we focused on Baby Jenk. They are ready to go with a new orange and blue pacifier and sippy cup. Go Broncos!

We also walked over to the brick walkway to see my brick. Marcus bought this brick for me when the stadium was being constructed about 7 years ago. Good to know it is still in the same place :)

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