
August 11, 2008

It is confirmed....

So we had the 'official' Dr. appt today, and we are confirmed....that we have a baby girl on the way! There are some very good pictures that we got that confirm this, but that's just not the kind of thing you publish on the web! She is also healthy, no issues from the doc.

So we spent the day registering and buying some starter stuff, including baby. KIDS NEED A LOT OF STUFF! Actually, it was Anna registering the things she had been looking at for 18 months, and me using the scanner gun. Glad I had a role in this process.

So at least the hard part is OVER, and the most expensive stuff is all done. whew!

With all the comedy and 'getting started work' over...

I now have a couple of quiet moments to just really think about what the past four days have brought me. A super cool trip to that is top of the of a healthy baby girl...its that kind of overwhelming that leaves you happily exhausted.

The Hawaii trip is awesome....and for having doing nothing more than what I consider doing my job this year....I know there are people that do their jobs well for decades and never get this kind of is truly a blessing, and I see it as that. Heck, I'm willing to suck up 10 hours on a plane to get this. I HATE PLANES. I REALLY DO. is such a muted joy that I feel compared to the overshadowing news that my baby girl is going to be healthy and here. While I let my mind imagine what that week in October is going to be like, it ends with the same thing...back in Austin, trip over. When I let it wonder about having this daughter...I see, first steps....a girl running to the bed after a bad dream, first day of school, first date (and yes, I will be inviting all my buddies over for gun cleaning night when the boys come to pick up my daughter. I will be like Martin Lawerence in Bad Boys II). I see also being asked to walk her down the aisle.....etc etc.....

While this trip is amazing, blessed thing, I just get overwhelmed with what a new daughter means. As Anna blogged before, I have believed that this would work the first time, it would be one, and it would be a girl. We got that...and healthy....its amazing. I have to be reminded that all this great stuff is such an honor....and while this isnt exactly getting into the Football hall of fame stuff, I am reminded that it is His glory that got us all this. I cannot forget that, or begin to take this for granted, any of it.

Reading back on this, if this is the kind of gush that I be doing with this kid, I have got some trouble ahead of me. The phrase Daddy's girl comes to mind.



  1. CONGRATULATIONS! A beautiful baby girl!

  2. Girls rule!!!! Rodney Atkins has a song about cleanin' this gun. Shane thinks it is cool. I am truly happy for you both. Children are truly your heart running around in the world!!!


  3. We are thrilled beyond words for ya'll. She is going to be so loved and very spoiled in a good way by her loving parents, family and friends! Congrats!!!! She is a little mirical!

  4. Hey Marcus ! Anna's Dad may want to help when those gun cleaning days begin....
