
August 09, 2008

You Decided....

... and I had it done! We used a portable sonogram machine that was not super clear, so the physician is not 100% positive either way. We'll have to confirm his guess on Monday. If he is right, Marcus has been right all along. He felt confident IVF would work, there would only be one and it would be a GIRL!


  1. oh man there are some baby girl clothes coming your way! i have them coming out my ears! i am sooooooooooooooooo excited for you guys!!!!!!! Congrats

  2. Yea!!! Cora is going to have so many playmates. Congratulations!! Looking forward to hearing for sure next week!

  3. Congrats!That is so exciting! It will be so fun on Monday to get your confirmation and to start buying stuff for your little girl! That is one of the funnest parts.


  4. My hunch was right all along! I am soooooo very excited for ya'll. Baby Ana will be born today. So glad you are home! Can't waite to hear the exact news from your dr. today!!!!!!

  5. Yeah!! I can't wait to hear the confirmation today!!

  6. Soooo, Anna, don't leave us in suspense any longer....the official word is?!?!?
