
November 17, 2008

Friday Night with Kiersten

Marcus and I love to babysit for our friends. It gives us practice and saves our friends money. Friday night, Tabriah was in a wedding, so we watched 11 month old Kiersten. She is a hoot-0ne of the happiest babies in the world. She had lots of fun bouncing around the living room, laughing at Matt's robot (which would scare most kids), and eating Marcus' credit cards.
We really got to experience a full night- feeding, bathing, and the bedtime routine. It was exhausting, but enjoyable.
Whenever we watch someone else's kids, we always play a little game and "red raider" the child. It happened with Bella and Mackenzie in recent times. Unfortunately, we forgot our RR gear at home, but Marcus did manage to teach Kiersten how to spell T-E-C-H during bath time.
Good work Marcus!

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